

Welcome to the Manassas Park Elementary Library Home Page!

I am so glad you are here! Please use the links to the left to navigate my site.

Happy Reading!


What's happening in the Library?

Keep on Reading!

The end of the year has arrived!

Here are some dates you need to be aware of as we end the year.

May 20 - Last day to check out library books

May 23 - Last reminder note home to students

May 27 - All books are due

June 13 - Central Library Visit (Summer Reading Program)

If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call anytime.

Mrs. Hayden

Welcome Mrs. Woo!
I would like to announce that Mrs. Woo has joined us as the Library Assistant at MPES this year. She will be available to help students check books in and out as well as assist them in locating materials in the library. Please welcome her the next time you see her!

Wanted: Lost or Overdue Books! Students and Parents,
If you receive a note saying you have a lost or overdue book, please look everywhere for them and return them to the library as soon as possible. We will be mailing overdue/lost notices at the end of the school year (June 16). If you receive a notice from the library and you feel you received it in error or you and your child cannot find a book, please contact Mrs. Hayden or Mrs. Woo in the library at 703-368-2032.

Thank you for helping to keep our library collection complete!

Helpful Links

Library Information

Contact the Librarian

I want your child's library experience to be a challenging and exciting one. If you have a question, concern, or praise feel free to leave me a note. I will try to answer all emails within two business days. -Mrs. Hayden

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