Have a question or concern?
Contact Us!
Ms. MaKenzie Rupert
[email protected]
ext: 18013
Mrs. Julia Byers
[email protected]
ext: 18011
Mrs. Deanna Robinson
[email protected]
ext: 18016
Elementary School Counselors implement the school counseling program by providing:
School Counseling Curriculum
- Academic Support, including organizational, study and test-taking skills
- Goal setting and decision-making
- Career awareness, exploration and planning
- Education understanding self and others
- Peer relationships, coping strategies and effective social skills
- Communication, problem-solving and conflict resolution
- Developing self-esteem and self-concept
Academic Planning
- Goal Setting
- Understanding of self
- Learning styles
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Transition plans
Responsive Services
- Individual &Small Group Counseling
- Individual/family/school crisis interventions
- Conflict resolution
- Consultation and Collaboration
- Referrals